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Mental disorder or mental illness is a pertinent topic that has got people talking in current times more than ever. It is no more a taboo of a thing that it used to be. As people are recognizing the need to build awareness around the topic, here’s the complete A-Z guide to start with. 

Mental illness is a condition where an individual’s mental ability to perform optimally gets affected negatively. Such a disorder results in changes in behavior, mood, and thinking. There are many forms of existing mental problems, ranging from — depression, insomnia, anxiety, phobia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, hallucinations, and much more.

This is quite a number! The biggest problem of people dealing with mental problems is that they do not even know that they are being affected. The refusive behavior is the biggest enemy that lends a hand at worsening the mental health issue. But, the sooner you move towards acceptance, the sooner you can pave your path towards recovery.

What are mental disorders?

A mental disorder or mental illness can be defined as a — psychological condition where the mind deviates from its normal functioning pattern and leads to the emergence of negative thoughts, feeling, and self-destructive behavior.

You can choose to walk yourself out of this deep dark well with the help of consultations and homeopathic treatment. We’ll get back to it, but first lets’ revisit the history of mental problems that have been coexisting with human civilization since time immemorial. 

History of mental disorder

The perceptions and treatment associated with mental disorders have come a long way since its inception. From being treated as a supernatural event to the progression of medical therapies around mental illnesses, it is a journey worth pondering.

In the ancient civilizations, mental problems were mostly thought to be in control of the special deities. The supernatural connection was a prevalent belief that led people to rely on supernatural remedies as well.

In the middle ages, however, people believed that people suffering from mental diseases are witches and sorcerers.

Coming to the eighteenth century, people with mental issues were treated no less than animals. Asylums were set up, but the treatment that a mental illness patient received was quite harsh and inhumane.

In the early 19th century, mental illness asylums increased in numbers in the western world as population and industrialization increased. The century also had a big breakthrough as the term psychiatry was introduced.

By the 20th century, positive development was witnessed. The first time in the history of mental problems — asylums were renamed as hospitals — people dealing with mental sickness were referred to as patients as opposed to mental or crazy. Also, new studies related to psychoanalysis were conducted — bringing a ray of hope for the distressed.

Fast forward to today, the 21st century is synonymous with broad mindsets and thinking. People are vocal about mental illness and the power of healing. The normalization of mental problems has led more people to come out and speak for themselves. It is not just science, but people’s perception is also progressing. Today, people hesitate less when it comes to treating mental illness. A positive change indeed!

Types - There are hundreds of mental problems that fall under different categories. Here’s a glimpse into each of the categories and the corresponding mental problems it covers. 

Anxiety disorder - Anxiety refers to feelings of fear and worry resulting in panic attacks and restlessness. There are different types of anxiety disorders, such as: 

Phobias disorders - This is an anxiety disorder where an individual has a fear of getting into a specific situation or a particular object. Common examples of phobia are fear of heights (Acrophobia) or closed places (claustrophobia).

Panic disorders - This is a type of disorder that results in frequent panic attacks. Panic disorders make one feel fearful of everything around them, which further leads to shaking, sweating, shortness of breath, and even temporary paralysis.

Agoraphobia disorder - This is a situation where you might feel unsafe of the environment you are exposed to, followed by hopelessness. You think that there is no way out, thus leading to anxiety.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders - This is a type of anxiety disorder where a person performs certain activities repeatedly or experiences certain thoughts repeatedly. With OCD, it becomes tricky to control thoughts and actions.

Post traumatic stress disorder - This anxiety disorder occurs after going through a traumatic incident such as loss of a loved one, sexual assault, an accident, or child abuse. The result of such anxiety includes — disturbing dreams and thoughts and fear for life. 

Mood disorder - Mood disorder refers to prolonged sadness, hopelessness, and lost interest in life. If left untreated, this can also lead to suicide. The various types of mood disorders include: 

Depression - Depression can be characterized by — sadness, seclusion, mood swings, unhappiness, insomnia, eating disorder, and loss of self—worth and concentration. The major symptom of depression is anhedonia,i.e., loss of interest in simple pleasures of life. According to WHO’s study, women are more affected by depression than men.

Bipolar disorder - This type of mood disorder is characterized by depression and unusually elevated moods. If one feels unusually happy, irritating, excited, and energetic, the disorder is called mania. On the other hand, if the feelings are not that severe, the disorder is termed as hypomania.

Dysthymia - This mood disorder is also known as persistent depressive disorder (PDD) and is similar to depression. The only difference is that the symptoms persist for longer periods. In other words, it can be referred to as a chronic disorder with symptoms existing for over two years. 

Personality disorder - This type of mental issue refers to a situation where a person behaves against the normality of the culture they grow up in. Such a behavior can be termed as maladaptive. The various types of personality disorders include:

PDD - When an individual is constantly suspicious about people around them and misinterprets them as conspiring against him, it is termed as Paranoid Personality Disorder. The biggest trait of PDD is mistrust.

SPD - If an individual discards social gatherings and relationships, they are likely to be suffering from Schizoid Personality Disorder. The SPDians tend to love solitude and usually showcase emotional coldness and lack of apathy.

ASPD - When an individual showcases violence and unacceptance of one’s rights, it is termed as an antisocial personality disorder. The most common traits of ASPDians include — aggressiveness, violence, low morality, and history of crimes.

OCPD - This type of personality disorder is quite prevalent. OCPD relates to feeling the excessive need for cleanliness and perfectionism. If things go hay—wired, it is more likely to constantly irritate a person’s conscience until it is fixed.

BPD - This type of personality disorder is related to emotional instability. The toxic environment often lends a hand at making BPD worse, which might result in self-harm or harm to others. The most common feelings associated with borderline are — feeling a void, loneliness, and unacceptance towards reality. 

Psychotic disorder - This type of mental issue refers to a situation where a person behaves against the normality of the culture they grow up in. Such a behavior can be termed as maladaptive. The various types of personality disorders include:

Schizophrenia - When psychosis becomes a constant and recurring part of one’s life, it is called schizophrenia. The common symptoms include — hearing voices as a part of hallucinations, disoriented thinking process, delusions, and apathy.

Schizoaffective disorder - This is a psychotic disorder that is associated with unstable thoughts and mood. If an individual shows psychotic symptoms for over two weeks, they are likely to suffer from SAD. 

Sleeping disorder - Deviation from normal sleep patterns is termed as a sleep disorder. There are generally two types of sleeping disorders that exist.

Insomnia - This refers to a lack of sleep or sleeping very less in a way that the body gets deprived of the rest it needs.

Hypersomnia - This refers to oversleeping and daytime sleeping. This could be due to one’s choice to stay away from the reality and the mental agonies they suffer. 

Eating disorder - Eating patterns and habits also help in identifying one’s state of mind. The more abnormal the eating patterns, the more are the chances of negative effects on the mind and body. Here are some of the common eating disorders.

Anorexia nervosa - This type of eating disorder relates to low weight as a result of eating too little. The disorder accompanies the fear of gaining weight, which causes an individual to eat consciously.

Bulimia nervosa - This type of eating disorder relates to binge eating, which results in eating way too much in a small amount of time. Bulimia also refers to purging, i.e., the act of trying to get rid of consumed food. This is either done by vomiting or sticking to laxatives’ consumption.

Never hesitate to share your mental health condition with your family, your friends, or your therapist — there is nothing to feel embarrassed about. It is not only you but every one in four people who suffer from some type of mental issue.

So, mental health assessment should never be given a miss. The more vocal you are about your condition, the better the chances of coming out of it. Suffering in solitude is not the solution!

Mental health assessment is a scrutiny of the mental state by a professional such as your therapist or psychologist. The professionals offer consultations that, in turn, help in identifying the type of mental disorder and its intensity so that proper treatment can follow. 

Mental health assessment - It is a scrutiny of the mental state by a professional such as your therapist or psychologist. The professionals offer consultations that, in turn, help in identifying the type of mental disorder and its intensity so that proper treatment can follow.

Here are some mental health assessment methods that can help you or a loved one identify how you/they are doing mentally. 

Physical Health Tests - Sometimes, physical health problems can lead to mental issues such as an injury to the head, thyroid, or problems related to neurology. A thoroughly internal body test can reveal such issues if any. 

The questions relating to your physical health assessment include:

●        Do you find your heart rate increasing or pounding at a high rate?

●        Do you tremble or your body shakes at times?

●        Do you feel that you are going to faint or feel pain in your chest that would not go?

●        Do you have instances where you feel extremely cold or hot flashes?

●        Have you lost or gained weight? How is your appetite? 

              Symptoms Evaluation - The questions that would follow include:

●        What do you feel these days and what thoughts run in your mind?

●        Do you have suicidal thoughts?

●        Do you experience mood swings often?

●        How are your thoughts affecting your quality of life?

●        What are the trigger points that lead to you feeling depressed?     

Cognitive Power
The counselor will try and understand the intensity of deviation from a normal cognitive capability. The reasons behind the reported mental issue can be gauged based on your body language and your ability to express your thoughts.
The counselor will ask you questions around:

â—‹        Do you find it difficult to concentrate, focus, and remember things?

â—‹        What did you have for food last night?

â—‹        Do you tend to over talk and listen less?

â—‹        Do you feel distracted when performing routine activities?

â—‹        Do you find it taxing to do your daily set of activities?

â—‹        Do you intend to answer questions before they are even completed?

â—‹        Do you find it difficult to differentiate between what is real and what is unreal?

Mental Assessment Types


1. Physical Health Tests

Are you experiencing any physical health issues or have you suffered injuries in the past?

2. Mental Health History

Is anyone in your family or past been experiencing mental problems?

3. Personal Experiences

What events in your life (mostly disturbing) bother you to date?

4. Symptoms Evaluation

What are the indications that you are experiencing mental disorders?

5. Cognitive Power

How well do you remember things, pay attention, and can solve problems?

Do not let your mental problem get the better of you. The thumb rule is — you can overcome it, all you need to do is take a step forward towards recovery. There are treatments available that can help you fight back. Here are the two proven mental disease treatments that can set you on the road to recovery. Your inner peace and happiness are in your hands.

HOMEOPATHY - Homeopathy treats body and mind as a single entity and relies on the belief that they are interconnected. This implies that homeopathy treatment relies on physical and psychological symptoms together.

A homeopath can help provide treatment for psychological disorders, depression, anxiety, and confusion, and even phobias. They can even help treat people with substance addictions such as drugs and alcohol.

Homeopathy medicines are composed of sugars, mostly lactose. A liquid drop of a homeopathic preparation is poured onto the small molecules of the sugary substance, which is then left for the time it evaporates.

PSYCHIATRY - Psychiatry involves the treatment of mental issues through consultations that help train the mind to pull itself out of distress. The term implies, “medical treatment of the soul.”

Psychiatry is mainly concerned with psychological consultations that rely on the power of words to heal a person from within. These consultations are conducted by psychiatric experts who have years of experience in dealing with various types of mental problems.

Myth 1 - Mental health cannot affect me. I am physically healthy, which implies I am mentally stable as well.


Every one in four people suffer from some type of mental disorder. If you feel anxious and depressed for any reason, accept it, and ask for help. Being resistant to your condition will only make it worse. 

Myth 2 - Mental illness is related to past sins, past lives, curse, witchcrafts, or some evil eye


Associating mental illness with supernatural activities is a mistake. One should clearly understand that mental disorder is a medical problem and such a belief system will only make it worse. The need is to understand the importance of seeking professional help.

Myth 3 - Children are not prone to mental illness


Associating mental illness with supernatural activities is a mistake. One should clearly understand that mental disorder is a medical problem and such a belief system will only make it worse. The need is to understand the importance of seeking professional help.

Myth 4 - Seeking professional help implies that you are crazy


According to WHO, nearly two-thirds of people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional. However, if you seek professional help you should consider yourself brave — you took the first step forward towards betterment. Do not pay heed to what others say, even if it is your family. Seeking professional help for mental diseases is similar to seeking help from a dentist when you have a toothache. 

Myth 5 - Mental illness is a permanent condition; nothing can make you feel better


With early diagnosis, consultations, and medicines — you can recover from mental illness. If you think about it, you’ll know that mental illness is associated with the brain. So, if you put effort into not making your mental health a life—long decision and seek professional help, things can get better. Recovery is possible, even studies suggest so.