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The fear of blood pressure always comes up in family occasions or social gatherings whenever there is someone old in a group. Most of us are aware of one or more persons with high blood pressure. We may have also come across incidents where mishaps have happened with a person due to low blood pressure. It is clear that blood problems are quite common. Hence, knowledge about blood pressure and appropriate blood pressure treatment is important to guide us and frame healthy practices in our day-to-day life. 

The main varieties of blood vessels are arteries (that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body), veins (that carry blood from the entire body to the heart), and capillaries (microscopic vessels that interconnect arteries and veins). The heart pumps blood from the left ventricle to the aorta, which is the largest artery, from where this blood reaches the tissues through a plexus of arterial branches, arterioles, and capillaries. The oxygen in the blood is used up by the tissues, and this deoxygenated blood (along with carbon dioxide and other waste products from the cells) is sent back to the heart via veins. This blood then goes to your lungs, where it gives out carbon dioxide, takes up a new supply of oxygen, and travels back to the heart for another cycle.

One cannot specifically calculate the incidence of High blood pressure in the community since it is what can be called an “iceberg” disease. This means that the proportion of people aware of their high blood pressure condition is only about half of the total number of people with high Blood Pressure. And among those aware of their condition, only about 50% make an effort to get treated. Hence it is clear that there is a dangerous lack of knowledge in this area, which can lead to serious health problems eventually.

It is probable that you feel a bit scared about how the things that can go wrong when it comes to blood pressure. But you don’t have to worry too much! In this article, you get to know what exactly is blood pressure, what are the types of blood pressure, how you know you have abnormal blood pressure, what causes high and low blood pressure, and how you can deal with it? After all, awareness is always the first step to reduce fear and make the right decisions towards one's health.


IN WOMEN & MEN - When a person is in the initial stage of high blood pressure, he/she might experience a dull ache in the back of the head when she wakes up. Other than that, unfortunately, the body does not show any distinct high blood pressure symptoms that indicate that you have a problem; hence it is often referred to as a “silent killer.” However, a Hypertensive crisis (a high blood pressure emergency) shows the following symptoms of high blood pressure: Headache, seizures, vomiting, chest pains, fast, pounding heartbeat, difficulty in breathing. It is imperative that one rushes to the hospital when these symptoms come up.

Feeling dizzy and faint is characteristic of low blood pressure. This can lead to you falling down and hurting yourself, sometimes fatally. If you are standing up and you feel unsteady and light-headed, you should consult a doctor since this is a warning symptom of low blood pressure. Other symptoms include nausea, fatigue, blurry vision, and lack of concentration. Low blood pressure treatment should be started as soon as any of these symptoms are faced.

IN TEENS - The symptoms of high blood pressure are similar to those of adults but what needs to be kept in mind is that mostly High BP in teens is accompanied by a serious underlying cause that must be recognized and treated.

The symptoms of low blood pressure are similar to those of adults; however, the cause may not be as grave as in high BP. Teens usually face low BP due to dehydration and excessive exertion. 

IN CHILDREN - If High BP is detected in children, it is mostly because of underlying heart disease or hormonal problems. In a slightly older child, obesity may be an important factor. However, just like in adults, there are seldom any specific symptoms of high blood pressure.

Common symptoms of low blood pressure in children are dizziness, blurred vision, fainting, and confusion. It is mostly due to allergic reactions. 


High Blood Pressure

There are different types of high blood pressure during pregnancy

●        Gestational Hypertension - when there is a sustained rise of BP to 140/90 mmHg or more after the 20th week of pregnancy in a woman who had normal blood pressure (120/80mmHg to 139/89mmHg) prior to this rise.

●        Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy - when there is a rise in BP before the 20th week of pregnancy and is present beyond 12 weeks after delivery.

●        Essential Hypertension in Pregnancy

Blood Pressure problems during pregnancy can mean that the mother is at a higher risk of a dangerous condition called preeclampsia (which is associated with retention of urine and presence of protein in urine), and the child she carries may be at risk of growth retardation if the high blood pressure affects the placental circulation.

Low Blood Pressure

Usually, symptoms of low blood pressure are seen during the middle weeks of pregnancy. Such symptoms could include sudden loss of momentary consciousness or blackouts, fatigue and aggravated nausea. However, low blood pressure is not a major concern during this period. It subsides as the pregnancy advances. 

IN BABIES - Blood Pressure symptoms in babies are no different than in children. However, such blood pressure problems indicate an underlying disease that should be immediately evaluated and treated.


  1. Treatment- There are several classical homeopathic ways of treating blood pressure. The right kind of High blood pressure treatment is based on the person’s characteristics, such as:-


Baryta carbonica:

●        For extremely shy people with a lack of concentration and displaying an immature behavior

●        For high blood pressure that worsens on exertion or by lying on the left side, associated with pain in the stomach that is relieved by lying on the stomach


●        For patients with a flushed look on their face

●        Overactivity with a tendency to talk compulsively


●        Low Blood Pressure treatment include the following homeopathy medicines:-

●   Gelsemium and Viscum album for low blood pressure treatment in patients with marked dizziness and vertigo

●        Glonoine and Natrum mur for low blood pressure treatment following sun exposure

●        Carbo Veg and China for treating low blood pressure due to dehydration

●        China and Ferrum met for treating low blood pressure due to blood loss

●        Naja and Viscum album for low blood pressure treatment in patients with heart problems

It is quite common to substitute High Blood Pressure with the words: “Blood Pressure” since it is most common. Hence, here we shall be dealing with how to prevent an increase in blood pressure. It is a common saying in the medical world that “Once a hypertensive, always a Hypertensive,” which means that once a person reaches a stage where his BP needs to be kept within range with medications, this blood pressure treatment will be his life-long companion. 

In most cases, lowering blood pressure too quickly can cause dangerous problems like brain and kidney damage. For the treatment of Hypertensive crisis, Preeclampsia or Eclampsia, ACE Inhibitors, Angiotensin II blockers, Direct Renin Inhibitors, and Sodium nitroprusside are NOT given.

Hydralazine (vasodilator), Labetalol (beta-blocker), and Nicardipine (calcium channel blocker) are administered.


High Blood Pressure Treatment

Your treatment of blood pressure depends a lot on how compliant you are with your doctor’s medication. Without your active involvement in your blood pressure treatment, it is all the more difficult to maintain your blood pressure at a safe level. There are several drugs in the market available for the treatment of high blood pressure. The choice of the right kind of blood pressure treatment depends on the age of the patient, ethnicity, and sometimes even the cost and convenience of the patient.

Target Blood Pressure

For a non-diabetic, the target Blood pressure range is 140/85 mmHg or lower. In a diabetes patient, the target Blood Pressure range is 130/80 mmHg or lower. 

The following are the drugs usually prescribed for blood pressure patients:

●        Diuretics

●        Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

●        Angiotensin II receptor blockers

●        Calcium antagonists (or calcium channel blockers)

●        Beta blockers

●        Alpha blockers

●        Direct vasodilators

If the initial Blood pressure treatment fails in either of the age group, a Calcium channel blocker or a Diuretic can be added with an ACE inhibitor. If the high blood pressure is still not controlled, then ACE inhibitor + Calcium channel blockers + Diuretics are given.

When none of these high blood pressure treatments work, another diuretic or a beta blocker or an alpha blocker may be added. In this situation, it is best to get a specialist’s advice on the condition.


Other drugs that are given with High Blood pressure treatment:

●        Aspirin for decreasing chances of Heart problems in elderly patients

●        Statins for decreasing the lipid levels in the blood

Low Blood Pressure Treatment

The following are the methods to cure low blood pressure:

●        Postural hypotension: Fludrocortisone or Midodrine (in chronic cases) can be used

●        Wear Compression stockings which help reduce pooling of blood in your leg veins

Homeopathy Treatment 

Before we get into the homeopathic treatment of Blood pressure, let’s understand what homeopathy is. “Homeo” is derived from the Greek word “homoios,” which means “like” and “Pathy” from the Greek word “patheia,” which means suffering or feeling.

Homeopathy is a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahneman. The underlying principle is that “like cures like.”